Nameless Nomad适合半夜醒来听的ASMR助眠声音

助眠网 2020-9-13 1587

嘘回去睡觉。糟糕的梦境,压力和整体不安不仅会使我们无法入睡,而且会使我们整夜醒来。两者都可能非常不愉快。幸运的是,有一个关于幼小袋鼠的故事可能可以帮助您重新入睡。感谢Michael Sturm和Marcos Garcia成为熟练的探险家!

Shhh now. Go back to sleep. Bad dreams, stress, and overall unease can keep us from not only falling asleep, but waking up throughout the night as well. Both can be quite unpleasant. Luckily there's a story about a young kangaroo that might be able to help get you back into bed.

Thank you to Michael Sturm and Marcos Garcia for being skilled explorers!

ASMR - But You Woke Up In The Middle Of The Night

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